Tuesday 28 February 2017

Appeal court won't put Trump's travel ban case on hold.

A federal high court on Monday denied a request from the U.S justice department to put president Donald Trimp's travel ban on hold until he issues a new executive order.
A three - jugde panel of the 9th U.S circuit did not give an explanation for its ruling but said it would extend untill next week the deadlines for the government's opening brief in its appeal.
A lower court temporarily blocked Trump's order that banned travellers from seven predominantly Muslim countries and paused U.S refugee programme after Washington state and Minnesota sued to stop it.
After the block, Trump tweeted " meet you in court" . Though he had said that his government is working on a new travel ban that addresses some of the constitutional concerns that critics have raised.
White House press secretary,  Sean Spicer was asked during a briefing Monday why the administration wants to defend the ban in court if its writing a newone. He said the government would defend the appeals case "because we were right the first time".
Nicole Navas, a justice department spokesman declined to comment on why the agency sought to put the case on hold while the administration is publicly saying it wants to fight it.
The appeals court said the government brief is due March 10.

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