Wednesday 19 April 2017

10 signs that tells you he's the right guy

Relationships are the gateway to marriage.  It is a period of accessing the percentage compatibility with both parties involved.

Girls are often misled by the choices of their friends who come in to interpret their observations based on their own views and as such, give a final conclusion to the feeble ones.

Meanwhile,  decisions should be strictly left for the girl in question to take and not the other way around.

With these thoughts in mind, one starts asking herself the qualities and signs that can tell you he's for enternal keep.

Here are some of them

1. He is ever caring:

A man who loves you surely muat be caring because one can't love without caring. But I want to correct an impression here, caring is not necessarily in cash!...a guy who really loves you but financially incapacitated might decide to show his care through thoughts and physical care.

2. He won't say yes when he meant no:

Truth at all times is the major trait of the keeper guy. He says the truth at all times knowing fully welk that you have come to stay and will eventually get to kbow about everything with time. So, there's no need to lie.

3. He's faithful

The intensity of any relationship is judged by its level of fidelity. When a guy truly loves you, he keeps to only you even in your absence.

4. He is committed to achieving your life goals: your mr. Right might not actually be one who has been in your life from the star of goal pursue , buh properly, he met it half way or even at the verge of finishing.  Either ways,  the keeper guy would immediately jump in and render as many help as he could because he will be honoured by the though that he was part of your lifetime success.

5. He gives you advice
The keeper guy is always concerned with your challenges in life. He wouldn't hesitate to give advice where necessary and make sure they are executed accordingly.

6. He loves everything you adore:
Love they say is not selfish. A guy who truly loves you will as well love all that matters to you, your family,  your friends and any other. He treats them with much love and respect even in your absence.

7. He respects your view in some instances
Whenever you are with your Mr.  Right, your own opinion to issues are often considered with uttermost value. He sees you as his chancellor with whom decisions are complete.

8. He talks frequently about the future with you in the picture. 
The keeper guy is always caught making so e comments like this "  when I get married to you, I will.........." these are thoughts that will definitely tell you he has you in mind forever.

9. You feel been respected among his friends.
Your position in a man's life can be detected from the way his friends value and treat you. Yes! as simple as that, once a guy loves and respects a girl, he cautions his friends to do same as he wouldn't take any misconduct towards his girl from them at ease.

10. You play together and totally free with each other.

Friends who love themselves are like childhood friends.. they play a lot and joke at all silly things without getting provoked. 

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