Thursday 16 March 2017

Meet the six year old girl who gave up her birthday party to help the homeless.

A Chicago Kindergarten, Armani Crew recently turned 6 on 8th of March.

What she asked her mum to do for her in celebration of her sixth birthday will leave you astonished!

Unlike other children of her age who are after a splashy birthday parties, the little girl demanded that her birthday gifts be given to the homeless instead of her friends.

The mum told her they will just handover sandwiches to the homeless,  but she insisted and said they should be given excaltly what she would have had for her birthday party.

The dad became astonished by his daughter's philanthropic viture and seek to know if she actually understood the outcomes of what she was about doing and told her,
    " Armani when you give out your birthday items to the homeless,  it simply means you won't receive any birthday presents"

But she answered and said
 " That's Okay, as long as they can eat, I'm fine".

That was when the parents knew she was serious and granted her birthday wish".

Armani who is way too small for her level of concern for human race, learnt from her elder brother who always gives out his old stuffs to the less privileged.

The parents have expressed great contempt with their daughter's display of humanity saying they knew she will grow into that as she have always exhibited  great concern fornothers at home  and even at school.

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