Thursday 23 March 2017

Update: read the rules for withdrawing your matured GH in GetHelpWorldwide, GHW.

Get Help Worldwide is a pronzi platform just like MMM. The platform recently shut down its platform from  paying due participants their matured GH till 20th of March.

The participants waited patiently untill the said date came and passed and since then till the time of this report, there have been series of rigorous procedures ranging from migration to GHW exclusive, verification of email, to verification of phone numbers by members.

The platform today released the below information for all participants
Read carefully

Hello esteemed GHW xclusive members,
It seems that some clarification on the PH and GH process on the GHW xclusive platform is needed. It's no longer news that a lot of challenges experienced on the previous GHW platform were as a result of fraudulent individuals who embarked on a campaign of trying to cause havoc, distort and discredit the system. The creation of numerous accounts with fake identity and bogus PH offers, and the resultant surge in fake POP made it highly necessary for a decisive action to be taken. The relentless effort to nullify fraud and restore stability gave rise to the GHW xclusive platform with additional innovative features to ensure that the community remains the best. 
Therefore the PH and GH validation process on the GHW xclusive requires that members register a PH donation which would be validated through the 10% immediate matching in addition to other authentication tools. The matured GH and other bonuses accrued to a member who have completed the matched PH donation would be effectively delivered when due. 
Note: All fresh and migrated accounts are required to complete the PH validation process explained above to be eligible for earning matured GH (fresh and migrated).
Repayment of existing GH
To reclaim your Outstanding GH, there are two options.

1.       Wait to receive 10% of your outstanding matured GH amount once-a-month [sources (a): members' 10% PH commitment/insurance amount, and (b) members' registered PH donations carried over from the Old System). 
Eligibility: ALL Members.

2.       Register a new PH on the GHW Xclusive system and upon maturity, you will receive the allotted regular bonuses attached to the fresh PH; and also additional part-payment installments of the your outstanding GH in the tune of 10% value of your current PH on the GHW Xclusive. 

Outstanding GH from old platform =  500,000
Fresh/New PH on GHW Xclusive  =  200,000 
Matured GH on GHW Xclusive      =  200,000 (investment) + 60,000 (30% yield bonus) + 20,000 [10% of new/fresh GHW Xclusive PH (200,000) which is subsequently debited from your outstanding GH of 500,000].

Eligibility: ALL members

Please note that both options will run together. Therefore all members have can freely decide to be involved in either options, or both. However, members who have outstanding GH and also choose option 2 stand a more guaranteed and better chance of earning their outstanding GH quicker (for obvious reasons of rewarding trusted and faithful members who remain committed to ensure the survival and growth of the GHW Xclusive community). In summary, to quickly receive your outstanding GH, you are encourage to play your part.

Note: The 10% outstanding GH redemption rates stated is considered the safest payout level at this immediate period. However be rest assured that the outstanding GH redemption level will be quickly reviewed upwards and increased as the system strengthens to enable all members recover all outstanding GH funds.

We wish to drive home the unrivalled empathy and commitment of the GHW Support Team. We clearly understand the difficulty encountered by our dear members who are still yet to receive their outstanding GH funds. For this reason all members individual PH minimum donation amount limit from the old platform has been removed. This gives members a fresh opportunity of registering new PH donations which they can afford, and gradually work their way up as they progress. Note* A considerably low general minimum PH limit apply.
We remain appreciative of our numerous members who have remained committed through this period of massive campaign by external forces to bring us down. Do not give up now. The GHW Admin is proactive, competent, sincere and well equipped to handle emanating challenges however, we need our members to work with us. We are a Team. Remember there are no central accounts. The integrity, continuity, growth, and prosperity of this community all rest in your hands. Help us maintain our core objective; Nobody loses money in GHW.

Hello All, to set the record straight, nobody is allowed to seat in this community without participating, we have core rules embedded into the system and they cannot be jettisoned for any reason.. we listed the two available options for members that migrated their accounts.  Rules like suspension of idle accounts , and recommit mentioned rules still apply to everyone .

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